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Andare a compromessi, accettare un accordo, una via di mezzo
To meet somebody halfway
The young actress decided to meet the producer halfway, and accepted his
cheeky invitation.
Ed, if you really want to improve your relationship with Mandy you should do
some of the things that she asks you it's an intelligent
compromise: you have to meet me halfway!
Sheila was tired, but decided it would be better to
meet Harry halfway and helped him finish his walk over.
Sgomitare, forzare, farsi
spazio con forza
- To muscle (something) into;
To shove through (out); To jostle; To elbow (one's way) through
Tom had to muscle his baggage into the corridor.
Elia is attempting to muscle in on the Chinese wine business.
A group of hooligans shoved through
the crowd.
The bouncer shoved me out of the
Club's entrance. - Greg made his way by
jostling through
the guests to the bar.
The poket picker elbowed his way through passengers.
Mandy elbowed her way through the crowd.
Essere fortunati, avere culo
- To get all the breaks
Ed's great... he's been working here only few weeks and he's already been
promoted! He gets all the breaks!
Montarsi la testa
To have / To get a swelled head
Lisa got a swelled head after he won the prize.
Charly uses flattering with gals, but he give them a swollen head
becaouse of too many compliments.
Impazzire, uscire di testa
to go round the bend
If I'd stayed with Connie any longer I'd have gone round the bend: she's
Tenere a freno
to keep a curb
Please, Jo... keep a curb on your temper! You'll spoil the atmosphere.
Essere sotto l'effetto di droghe
to be ripped
Frank was totally ripped at the party of Terry: he never replird to me.
Isolarsi, stare per conto proprio
(to be, keep, remain, stay) aloof
Sheila tends to keep aloof from the rest of the group.
Ed's a shy guy, he stays aloof from other collegues between meetings.
Una schifezza, uno schifo
(to be) the pits
This town is the pits... so miserable!
farsi garante
To vouch on somebody (Phrasal verb)
I can vouch for Ed's honesty. I've known him for years.
Sparlare su qualcuno
tattle on somebody (Phrasal verb)
Ed, are you going to tattle on me to the teacher?...
please don't tattle on me!
progredire, evolvere
To shape up (Phrasal verb)
Watching Dan dancing your can see his style is shaping up well.
This candidate is shaping up to be the campaign's winner.
Human rights are shaping up as a major issue for the media.
Nonostante, sebbene, anche se
In spite of / despite / although, even though (Talking))
In spite of and despite (followed by a noun, a pronoun, a gerund - despite
is followed by the ‘of’, despite not)
We enjoyed the holiday in spite of the bad weather.
Despite being overqualified, Casey didn’t get the job.
Despite the bad flu Nick completed the game.
In spite of (using the expression ‘the fact that’)
In spite of the fact that he worked hard, Dan didn’t manage to get a
Although (followed by a subject and a verb)
Although the city was crowded, tourists were able to enjoy its special
Although Dan worked very hard, he didn’t manage to get a money raise.
The holiday was great although the Quality, costs and services were not good
Even though (a stronger form of although, followed by a subject and a verb -
like although)
The Green's decided to buy the farm even though they didn’t have enough
time to get there.
Ed... you keep making noise even though I have asked you to stop!
riarrangiare, trasformare
To set something to something (Phrasal verb)
Give me a shopping list and I will set it to music! (G.Rossini)
Ed, you have to set the partition to 15 or 16 gb... hopefully it will work
Ma che cappero stai facendo? Ma di cosa stai parlando?
(American English)
Watchadoin Steve...? Let's talk about the fun and cool !
subito, al volo
off the bat (American English)
The detective could tell right off the bat there was
something suspicious about that man.
Abile, competente, esperto
Savvy (meaningful
"y" words)
As soon as my tech-savvy friends adopt and recommend a new
computing tool, I go out and get it too!
Far crescere, incrementare
To ratchet up (Phrasal verb)
The media are ratcheting up the rhetoric to join the sweeping attacks on
The campaign was ratcheting up
expectations too high.
Non mantenere promesse fatte, rompere gli impegni presi
rat on something (Phrasal verb)
Ted? He's so dodgy...he always rats on his promises!
Tradire, fare
una soffiata
To rat somebody out, to rat on somebody (Phrasal verb)
Ther drug dealer was popped by cops after a tipster ratted him out.
encouraged to rat on each other.
Cercare nervosamente
To rat through (Phrasal verb)
I came back home to
find Sally ratting through my papers.
Jimmy ratted through the the stuff on the desk but couldn't find the report.
Un pochino, appena, un tantino
Some (American English)
'So... are you feeling better today?' - 'Some, I guess..!'
Fare qualsiasi cosa per ottenere un risultato
To move heaven and earth
Dan is mad: He's moving heaven and earth to go out with Sally!
Essere ad un passo da qualcosa o qualcuno, ad un millimetro
(to be) in hot pursuit
The pickpocket fled from the scene with the police in hot pursuit.
The journalists set off in hot pursuit of the facts.
Boriarsi, vantarsi, pavoneggiarsi
To toot one's own horn, to blow one's own horn (Social)
See Frank... there he goes again tooting his own horn!
I don't like to blow my own horn but... I am always right.
Diventare inconsapevoli, non essere coscienti
To be out cold, out for the count; out like a light (Human)
After a glass of wine Wendy was out cold.
Ami, please... don't call him; he's out like a light every night at the pub!
As the drunk drove into a wall he was out for the count!
Tirare avanti, resistere, sopravvivere
To keep going
Tom tried to keep going,
continuing to do things in the some way.
Rosa's words were the only thing that kept Robert going, giving him enough
hope and emotional strength to continue living.
Nascondere, tenere segreto
To keep by oneself (Phrasal verb)
Ed still thanks to Bruce to share
his valuable experience instead of just keeping by himself!
Frank knew that Emma was having problems, even if she had kept it to herself.
Lucidare, riportare alla lucentezza
To buff something up, to buff up someething (Phrasal verb)
Dan's old car looked better after he
buffed it up.
Ted gave Fiona many tips and tricks to
buff up her skills.
Respingere, far allontanare
To drive away somebody, to drive someboedy away (Phrasal verb)
The dog was bugging Manda, so she shouted
to drive him away.
were driven away from the coast by the pollution.
Bloccare, impedire, inibire
To hem somebody in (Phrasal verb)
Geena was hemmed in by prejudices.
Gate-crashers were hemmed in by controllers.
Colpire, abbattere
To strike down (Phrasal verb)
The famous rock star was struck down by
Puntare i piedi, prendere fermamente una posizione precisa
To take a stand
Martin Luther King took a stand for civil rights.
The Prime Minister's decision
to take a stand against workers was a political failure.
The demonstrators took a stand against
the government.
Armonizzare, andare all'unisono
To chime in with (Phrasal verb)
opinions normally chime in with my points of view.
Una ragazza
scialba, non attraente
A plain Jane
If Fiona'd been a plain Jane, she wouldn't have had all Marc's attention!
Una persona con
la puzza sotto il naso
A toffee-nosed
Jill thinks that she's better than other people: she's a toffee-nosed
Sheila refused the invitation to the party... she got all toffee nosed about
Cercare con
To scratch around for something (Phrasal verb)
A lot of people are scratching around for a better place where to live.
Compensare, controbilanciare
- To cancel out
(Phrasal verb)
Andrew's intuition cancels out his
Placare, appianare
To smooth over (Phrasal verb)
tried to smooth things over between Mary and Marc, talking with them to make
their clash less serious.
Appassionare, eccitare (passivo)
To kindle by (Phrasal verb)
imagination was kindled by the tales Marcus told her.
To gross somebody out (Phrasal verb)
That bad
film really grossed me out!
Dan's dirty hair grossed Lisa out.
Viaggiare con poche idee e pochi soldi
- To bum around
(Phrasal verb)
After completed the studies Ned spent months bumming around the
South America with no plans and little money.
Un istrione, un cantastorie
- Grandstander
Ted is a grandstander: he brags to everyone about how attractive
his girlfriends were.
Un amico simpatico, socievole
- A good-time Charlie
Dan’s a typical good-time Charlie, always ready for friends and
good beer.
Brutto (from the fairy tale by the Danish poet Hans Christian Andersen, 1843)
- Ugly duckling
Sheila was an ugly duckling when she was a child, until she grew
up and became more feminine.
Debbie was an ugly duckling, but after an unpromising beginning blossomed
abbandonare, scaricare
- To leave somebody flat
When Ed met
Alice, he left Brenda flat hoping someone else hoping someone else
would join her. -
The leader walked off and
left the whole group flat.
Evitare, aggirare, eludere
- To skirt around
somebody, to skirt around something
(Phrasal verb)
...bewildering! Mandy talked at me for hours skirting around her real
The prime minister tried to skirt around many of the moot points, battling
to distance himself from the crisis.
The commission had skirted around the concept of a free community.
Un'arma infallibile
- A silver bullet
It seems that there's no silver bullet that will solve the crisis.
Vantarsi, essere boriosi
- To plume oneself on
(Phrasal verb)
Ed plummed himself on dancing with Fiona.
Dan plummed himself on his winning project.
Essere fortunati, avere culo
- To get all the breaks
Ed's great... he's been working here only few weeks and he's already been
promoted! He gets all the breaks!
Fare qualcosa senza pensarci troppo, far così come viene
- On the fly
Emma's the sort of person who decides things on the fly rather thinking
levarsi di torno alla svelta
To take a powder (American English)
When the thief saw the police coming he
took a powder.
Giustificarsi con scuse non credibili, inventare delle balle
To pitch somebody a line (American English)
...Sally never arrived and pitched me a
line about a block in the traffic!
di vita molto favorevoli, opulente
On easy street, in fat city (American English)
You're so lucky, Dave: with the new
business you'll be on easy street!
If the new contract is eventually
accepted, Ted will be in fat city!
Una persona
determinata, un tipo tosto
A tough cookie (American English)
...Steve, please, don't get Dana upset...
she's a tough cookie!
Un successo
sfiorato, qualcosa non concretizzato per un pelo
Close but no cigar (American English)
Ted was not
so lucky: never got
always close but no cigar.
"Tourist?" - "Not exactly, I am a traveller... close but not cigar!"
buonanotte! Beato chi ci crede!
Tell it to the Marines! (American English)
...Belinda an intelligent girl? Please,
Ned... tell it to the Marines!
affibbiare, scaricare
To thrust someone on/upon somebody, to thrust something on/upon somebody (Phrasal verb)
Did you see...
Brian was trying to thrust his boring sister upon me!
Sheila never enjoyed the nickname of grinder that was thrust upon her.
The class thrust the responsibility upon the leader.
Presagi negativi
- The
writing (is) on the wall (for), the handwriting (is) on the wall (for)
After the
scandal broke out the handwriting is on the wall for the Prime Minister…
L'inizio della
fine, il segno di una rovina in arrivo
An albatross (around
neck) (credited
Samuel Taylor Coleridge)
wife is so cruel…
she’s an albatross around his neck!
Sotto banco, di nascosto
(cose illecite)
- On the
We found
out that the dean was receiving money on the QT.
Nobody knows... Ally's trying on the
QT to get a visa to enter Canada!
Fare un freddo cane
(to be) as cold as a witch's elbow
...temperature here? Oh, it's cold as a witch's elbow and we expect snow.
Essere ubriachi fradici
(to be) blind drunk
I found Mary blind drunk on the bed with a bottle of rum beside her.
Secondo la massima
autorità, in linea con le regole accettate
- According
to Hoyle (Fred Hoyle was a popular rule book written by Edmond Hoyle, 18th
The Prime Minister said that the
situation is critical but under control... all according to Hoyle!
Prendere una tranvata, una
sconfitta, uscire perdenti
- To take it
on the chin
took it on the chin at the semifinal... a defeat that still rankles.
Essere fortunati
nella sfortuna
- A
blessing in disguise
unlucky? The letter of dismissal
was a blessing in disguise: the new job
seems to have been made specially for him!
Prendere in giro, prendere per i fondelli
To take the piss (out
of somebody)
They're always taking the
piss out of Dan because he's very touchy.
should go to the disco more often… you such a good dancer!” – “Hey dude… are
you taking the piss?”
Ten pounds for this bottle
of crappy wine… that’s taking the piss!
Say it by English idioms, let yourself enjoy witty and fun conversations, with Talk It
an idiom is a phrase or expression that conveys
a meaning which has little to do with the actual words expressed.
--- August 2014 --- |
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